marketing strategist, tea enthusiast, bright colour & bold pattern lover

Ready for a little story?

Here's a little secret for you: I never had ambitions to be an entrepreneur. I never set up a side hustle or longed to be my own boss. I actually loved my corporate job (shocker!).

So when I happily waved farewell to my team and went on maternity leave nearly 7 years ago, I genuinely thought I was going back.

But once I had my baby (Eliza), I realized that juggling a commute, the cost of childcare, and the lack of flexibility in my role wasn't going to work. So when I was offered redundancy, I decided to take it and find a more flexible way to work.

Surely it can't be that hard, I thought!

But, to be honest, it's taken me a while to find what makes my heart sing. I didn't have the foggiest idea how to run a business. I didn't replace my corporate salary within a few months. I wasn't aiming for six-figure launches. I just wanted to find my 'thing'.

On my quest, I've worked with lots of different people and learned a helluva lot of new skills.

Six-month Social Media Manager training - tick. Email Marketing with all the gurus - tick. Advanced Facebook™️ Ads course with a 2-month-old baby in a pandemic - tick.

Coaches, group courses, six-week programs - you name it, I've probably been there, done that.

Some of it has been life-changing. Some of it has been frustrating. But all of it has taught me how I want to run my business and what my ‘thing’ is.

and do you know why you should care about all of that?

because my ‘thing’ is me.

And this is what you should know:

  • My ’sunshine’ energy is a big part of why people work with me. My clients always comment that they feel reassured and excited when they come off calls with me (scroll to the bottom of the page for some examples!).

  • In my corporate job I was a ‘fixer’. I went in to different areas of the business and helped them see the bigger picture, connect the dots and optimise what they were already doing (I worked for British Airways… there was a lot of moving parts & lots to fix!). I’ve finally worked out how to bring this skillset to my own work.

  • In the past few years I’ve specialised in Facebook™️ Ads but I have a lot of training and experience (for myself and clients) in email marketing, social media and websites. And connecting them all is my thing.

  • ‘Doing the doing’ is my zone of competence. Coaching others to ‘do the doing’ is my zone of excellence. Creating a strategy that creates joy for the customer, and grows the business is my zone of genius.

  • I have an unusual ability to be good with both words and numbers. And I LOVE tech and mastering new software. Which is incredibly useful.

  • I’m great at taking big, bold action. And I’m really good at making others feel safe taking bold action when they feel unsure.

Overall, I’m a pretty epic wing women. And if you want to get your marketing from scattergun to shit hot, I’m confident I can help.

so, what else do you need to know?

I am obsessed with tea. add in a sugary snack and i’m as happy as a 2yr old on a swing.

Chocolate should be room temperature. I’m not available for discussion about keeping it in the fridge.

i’m ‘in the thick’ of it (or so I’m told - a lot!) with my two girls - currently 2 and 6 yrs.

I love them but they hate sleep. It’s hard to be a nice person at 05:10 every morning.

despite the chronic sleep deprivation, I’m told I have a ‘sunshine’ energy that is infectious.

i was diagnosed with adhd last year and am on a bit of a mission to find ways to make the most of my insane brain.

I love wild swimming in a lake. Yep, it’s as weird as it sounds.

i have tiny ears. seriously. i can’t wear ear buds because they don’t fit.

what’s it like to work with me?

  • On a personal level, working with Sophie has breathed life into my motivation and drive to move the business forward

    Sarah Billinhham, Confident Kids

  • What can I say, She’s utterly amazing (as well as being a total positive ray of sunshine that brightens up my day). Working with Sophie has been more than I could have expected.

    Viv Guy, Business Coach

  • We love Sophie. Sophie is bloody wonderful, she's a genius.

    Alix & Jade, The Birth Uprising

  • So I would say, if you're looking for somebody who is really genuine, honest & knows her shit, go with Sophie.

    Colette McBeth, Visibility & Storytelling Coach

  • Sophie is extremely knowledgeable and helpful, but also lovely to work with, and still helps me out if I ever have any questions. And the best thing about Sophie is her honesty.

    Samira, Moonkids

  • Sophie is completely brilliant and so insightful! I've learned SO much and gained more than I hoped for working with her.

    Hannah, The Infant Sleep Hub

my podcast is a great way to get to know me more